Vicky Erotic Tales S2 E13: Art Crush by Vicky Toys
Vicky Erotic Tales #Erotictales #lesbianstories #threesomestories #eroticliterature #sensualliterature #arousingliterature #sexytalks #naughtytalks #sexychronicles #eroticfiction

Julia was two years old when she met her babysitter, Brooklyn Turner. She lived two houses down from Julia’s family. She was such a loving lady and treated the little girl as though she were her own. Kelly could not conceive due to a rare disease of the uterus she contracted at a young age (21), thus having it removed. It was a very difficult time for Kelly because she wanted children. Having Julia around along with the other neighborhood kids made things easier.
Ms. Turner was the one who taught Julia her ABCs and 123s since her parents worked all day. She even taught her how to bake cookies at the age of six. Julia grew quite fond of Ms. Turner as her personality was so warm and cheery. Not only was her demeanor captivating, but she was also spellbound by the artwork Ms. Turner had hanging around her house. Ms. Turner had impeccable taste. The art was rare, finely detailed, and looked rather expensive. It did not seem like artwork from regular stores.
Ms. Turner’s cultivated paintings and sculptures made Julia very interested in art. At the age of eight, she began drawing. She even attempted to copy some of the paintings on the walls. Though she had not mastered three-dimensional drawing at the time, her pictures looked very similar to the paintings. Julia’s art was so superb she passed all her art classes throughout grade school with flying colors. In seventh grade, she already set the goal of majoring in art in college.
Over time, Julia developed a serious crush on Ms. Turner. She found herself drawing pictures of her. She threw most of the drawings away to keep her attraction secret but kept one which was a 3D pastel of Ms. Turner holding a gemstone rose. Behind her, in the drawing, the sun shined like a halo.
The thing Julia loved most about Ms. Turner was her touch. Ms. Turner hugged her when she came over. She always gave Julia a pat on the back whenever she did a good job on something such as gardening or baking. Sometimes, she held Julia’s hand when they had conversations, especially deep ones. At times, she would come up behind Julia and surprise her by playfully wrapping her arms around her waist, lightly squeezing her. Julia loved it because of the feel of Ms. Turner’s warm body against hers. Also, she loved cuddling. When Julia was little, she would sit on Ms. Turner’s lap while watching television and fall asleep on her chest. Her heartbeat had the most soothing rhythm. Plus, her breasts seemed to be the softest place on earth…softer than her own pillow. When Julia was four, out of pure curiosity, she squeezed Ms. Turner’s breasts, not knowing what they were, and asked, “Ms. Doddy, what are these?”
Gently, Ms. Turner took the little girl’s hands off and laughed while replying, “Honey, you’re a little young for that now.”
“Will I get those too?” Julia quizzed.
“When you’re older, sweetie. Now let us concentrate on washing these dishes, shall we?”
That was the last Julia heard of breasts until she was twelve years old. Then Ms. Turner and Julia’s mother sat her down and gave her a lesson on having her period, sex, boys, dating, and STDs. Julia was a bit of a late bloomer. She did not start her period until she was fourteen and did not develop breasts until she was seventeen. From age 17 to 18, her breasts sprouted from AA to C. Plus, she went from having no curves at all to having shapely hips, round buttocks, and slim, toned thighs and legs. Standing at 5’6″, many friends and family suggested she try modeling, but Julia was more interested in art and Ms. Turner than showing off her body to complete strangers.
Now, Julia was 21 years old. Instead of majoring in art, she decided on communications in college. She felt she would do art as leisure, not pursue it as a full-time career. She scanned her works and put them on Instagram and Snapchat for fun, but people were interested in purchasing them. Depending on the size of the canvas, Julia sold her watercolor and oil pastel works for as much as $400. Though she worked in a coffee shop, she made better money with her artwork.
Julia was very scared to tell Ms. Turner of her attraction to her. She felt Ms. Turner would not be interested, especially due to her age. Ms. Turner was near fifty…forty-seven to be exact, but Julia thought she looked good for her age. She admired her shoulder length curly blonde hair, blue eyes, and creamy skin. Her hair did not have a single strand of grey. She always kept her skin soft and moist. Julia considered herself a plain Jane compared to Ms. Turner although many thought otherwise. She had honey brown skin, long dark brown hair that came down to her butt, and hypnotic dark brown eyes. Her racial background was a wonderful mix of Arabian, Black, Italian, and Asian.
Though Ms. Turner relocated to another house outside of Julia’s old neighborhood, Julia still visited her every now and then to help her with gardening, house cleaning, or they would just have fun together. They visited art galleries that came to the community and had funny debates on which work was better even though Julia, though the best work ever made was Ms. Turner herself. She was the ultimate masterpiece no matter where she went.
On this particular day, Ms. Turner wanted to look at Julia’s art portfolio and possibly add a piece to the many she had hanging on her walls. Julia became very excited despite having a long day at work and spending a few hours organizing her new apartment. She put on a pair of jeans, a black blouse, and a pair of old sneakers. Then she tied her hair in a ponytail and made her way to Ms. Turner’s place.
It did not take her long to get there as she only lived 30 minutes away. When she arrived, she drove on an unpaved driveway through a set of trees. When she entered the clearing, she saw the big, blue house. Julia drove up to the garage and parked in front of it. The second she stepped out; the potent scent of roses entered her nostrils. With every step she made toward the door, her heart raced faster. To calm down, she closed her eyes and breathed in the rosy scent surrounding her. It encased and warmed her heart causing its hyperactive beating to slow down. Then she opened her eyes and rang the doorbell.
Seconds later, there was a hard click and a turn of the knob. When the door opened, Julia swore her heart stopped at the alluring sight she saw. There stood Ms. Turner. Though she wore a plain pink shirt and black slacks, Julia felt an overwhelming amount of calming, positive energy radiating within Ms. Turner’s aura. Gently, she took Julia by the hand.
“Come in, sweetie.”
As she entered Ms. Turner’s home, Julia was greeted by the warming scent of lavender and vanilla candles. Leading her to the living room, Ms. Turner hugged her and asked, “How are you, honey?”
“I am fine, thank you,” Julia replied trying not to let the quiver in her stomach transfer to her vocal cords.
Cheerfully, Ms. Turner said, “That’s good. Why don’t you have a seat here and I will get you something to drink? What would you like?”
As Julia sat down, she wanted to say “wine”, but she did not want to give Ms. Turner any clue of her crush. She deterred her answer to “a glass of juice or iced tea with lemon if you have any.”
“You are just in time, sweetie. I just made a fresh batch of sweet tea. I added some raspberry flavoring if you don’t mind.”
“I like raspberries. That’s perfect.”
“Ok. You get comfortable while I get the tea.”
As Julia waited, she sank into the couch and took in her surroundings. The atmosphere was very welcoming, not just with the scent in the air, but the couch had absorbed the scent. Plus, it was very comfortable. The window across from her had beautiful, custom-made, sky-blue drapes with bluebell flower designs at the bottoms. The wall behind her had a painting of a sunny meadow a couple of feet above the couch. The grass looked almost real, the birds and flowers nearly lifelike, especially since the painting was almost four feet across. Julia’s mind wandered into the image of her and Ms. Turner in the meadow, the breeze blowing…
“I’ve got your iced tea. I also sliced a few apples if you’d like.”
Julia’s imagination shattered like glass revealing Ms. Turner holding two trays. One contained two glasses of iced tea. The other had sliced apples.
“Oh, the apples are fine, “Julia said. “And you have the red delicious kind too. My favorite!”
Ms. Turner sat down next to Julia and sipped her tea. “Let’s get down to business, shall we?”:
Julia picked up her big, black binder and asked, “Which theme would you like to see?”
“Mmmm…the gemstone themed pastels.”
Julia opened her binder and first showed Ms. Turner a 3D pastel drawing of a leaf shaped emerald with 3 diamonds shaped like raindrops seeming to run down the leaf. Then she turned to the next drawing which was a sapphire shaped like a bluebell flower. It had leaf shaped emeralds as well as the stem.
“I love that one,” Ms. Turner commented. “It is so beautiful, so lifelike. I almost want to pick that flower. How does $500 sound for the drawing?”
Surprisingly, Julia did not want money. She wanted Ms. Turner herself. The $500 sounded great, but money just did not match the attraction she felt.
“I’ll lower the price to $250,” she said in protest.
Ms. Turner countered mildly, “I know you’re doing your best to be reasonable with your pricing, but you put a lot of effort and timing into this drawing. I can see passion in every speck of color. Actually, a superior work of art like this would be worth about $1200 if you were to auction it.”
Flattered but still disinterested in the offer, Julia insisted, “Ms. Turner, I’ve known you for a long time. I cannot be greedy. $500 sounds good, but don’t you think it is a bit much? I couldn’t take that from you.”
But Ms. Turner was already writing a check. “Sweetie, you already know money was never an issue with me. You are a great artist, and you sacrificed a lot of time to create such a masterpiece. How long did you take to draw this?”
“About four and a half hours.”
“Commitment, concentration, precision, and passion deserve to be well compensated.”
I would rather be compensated with you, Julia thought, but she said, “I guess. Thank you, Ms. Turny.”
“Call me Kelly, sweetie. I know you are used to calling me Ms. Turny. You have known me since you were a tiny little thing, but you are all grown up now. I’d like to have more than a friend connection rather than just being your former babysitter.”
The first step in getting closer,” Julia thought. Calling her by her first name.
Suddenly, Julia heard a clicking sound. It came from the front door. Who was coming to Kelly’s home? Her confusion only increased when she saw a man in a suit come in the living room carrying a suitcase. He was taller than Kelly and had a head full of silver-grey hair. Julia finally pieced the puzzle together when she saw Kelly’s eyes brighten.
“Hi, honey! You are home!”
Kelly stood up and pecked the man on the lips. She turned to Julia and said, “This is my husband, Nicholas. I’ve known you for so long and never got to introduce you to him because he travels so much.”
Husband! Julia thought. Husband? Ok how did I miss this from age two to fourteen? I know Kelly mentioned something about Nicholas when I was little, but I never knew who she was talking about.
Julia’s stomach burned as she stiffly stood and shook Nicholas’s hand. She smiled weakly as she greeted, “Hi. I am Julia. Kelly used to babysit me.”
Nicholas smiled. “It’s nice to finally meet you for the first time! Kelly told me so much about you and she was right. You have blossomed into a very sweet, young woman.”
“Not only that,” Kelly added. “She has the most talented hands ever. I bought a new addition to our art gallery. Look at this beautiful pastel she drew! Doesn’t it look almost like you want to pick it from the paper?”
Nicholas nodded, looking at Julia’s drawing. “Wow! That is impressive. How much did you pay her, Kelly?”
Before Kelly could say anything, Julia cut in. “Well, I offered her $250, but she paid me $500.”
Kelly added, “And I told her commitment, concentration, precision, and passion deserve to be well compensated. She spent nearly five hours drawing this magnificent piece.”
“That’s a long time!” Nicholas gasped. Then he changed the subject. “Kelly, honey, would you like for us to head out to dinner? Then we can come back here and spend some quality time together. I have missed you.”
Kelly obliged, “Certainly, Nicholas. Would it be a bother if Julia came with us?”
“Not at all. Julia, would you like to join us for dinner? It will be our treat.”
“Umm…” Julia hesitated. “I think I should go. Thank you for the check, Kelly.”
“Oh, I am sure you are hungry dear,” Kelly persisted.
Julia lied, “It’s ok. I am fine. I am sure you two would like to be alone. Besides, I am not that hungry.”
But her growling stomach proved otherwise.
Kelly laughed. “Sweetie, you are eating! There is no way I am letting you go hungry. I never let you go home hungry when I babysat you.”
Julia had no choice but to accept, but she tried to get out of it once more by protesting, “I’m not dressed.”
“Honey, you are beautiful,” Kelly countered. “It doesn’t matter what you wear. Now quit trying to get out of eating with us. I will put on some slightly better attire and then we will go.”
As Kelly went to get dressed, Nicholas said to Julia, “Kelly is right, you know. You are beautiful. You have lovely skin. How do you keep it looking so nice?”
“I just wash with soap every day. Nothing special except I exfoliate once a week with a sea salt scrub. I paid $60 for it. Expensive, but it works.”
Nicholas took Julia gently by the hand and felt the back of it. “I see it does work. Your skin also seems to have a natural glow to it too. You are blessed!”
Julia shuddered at his touch. Briefly, she sighed as her eyes wandered to the stairs where they locked on Kelly coming down. She looked like an angel gliding down. She wore black dress pants with a sparkling blue floral print blouse with ruffled sleeves.
“Are we ready to go?” she asked.
Nicholas took her by the hand. “Of course.”
“Am I going to be following you guys?” Julia asked. Deep in her mind, she contemplated pretending to follow Nicholas and Kelly, then purposely getting lost, but her plan failed as Nicholas replied, “You may ride with us. Save yourself the gas, hun.”
Reluctantly, Julia slithered into the back seat of Nicholas’s car. She put on the seatbelt and slouched letting her body sink into the black leather. As she stared out of the window, watching the sunset beyond the winding road, her stomach plummeted at the sounds of Nicholas and Kelly’s cheery conversation and giggles.
The arrived at a relatively small Italian restaurant. Nicholas opened the door where Julia sat, softly took her by the hand, and helped her out of the car. Then he playfully interlocked her arm with his. He had Kelly on his other arm.
“Let’s go, ladies,” he chuckled.
Kelly shook her head in amusement. “Are you a ladies’ man for tonight, sweetheart?”
Nicholas snickered. “I guess so! I must be one lucky man with two beautiful women on my arms!”
They walked into the restaurant, Julia feeling like a third wheel. When they were seated, the second Julia opened the menu, she blurted, “I guess the checks will be separate?”
“No, sweetie,” Nicholas answered. “I’m treating everyone.”
Julia ordered fried calamari along with angel hair pasta in a red sauce with mussels, scallops, and baby shrimp. She started eating quickly until Nicholas giggled. “Hungry enough or is the food really good?”
Embarrassed, Julia’s cheeks reddened. The fact that her redness was visible did not help the situation. Only when blushing did Julia wish her honey brown skin was darker. Kelly and Nicholas were tickled by her blushing. She did not find it funny. In fact, she became irritated. Briefly shutting her eyes, Julia suppressed her embarrassment and her cheeks returned to normal. She ate the rest of her food mostly in silence unless Nicholas or Kelly spoke to her.
When the three returned home, Julia announced, “Well, I guess I should be going now. I must work in the morning. It was nice meeting you, Nicholas, and thank you for dinner.”
“I haven’t been to the coffee shop in a while,” said Kelly. “Nicholas, how would you like to have a little coffee date in the morning? It will be a plus with Julia there. She knows exactly what I like!”
“Definitely!” said Nicholas. “We’ll see you in the morning, Julia.”
Julia politely waved goodbye to Nicholas and Kelly, got into her car, and quickly drove off. As she sped through the dimly lit roads, her chest hurt as though it had been hit by a bowling ball. Her heart felt crushed. She also felt dumb because she did not put together the pieces. There was no way Kelly could afford the exquisite artwork hanging in her house. Plus, how could Kelly afford to throw away $500 and say that money is no issue? Unless Kelly’s family was wealthy, which Julia knew they were not, those words would have never crossed Kelly’s lips.
At work the next day, Julia felt sluggish and out of focus. Her concentration went into even more distortion when Nicholas and Kelly floated through the door. They sat at Kelly’s same spot by the window in the middle of the cafe. Julia prepared Kelly’s hazelnut coffee with a slice of marble cake and a blueberry muffin for Nicholas. She walked quickly towards their table, but she was so out of focus she did not pay attention to her footing. Julia’s foot seemingly wrapped around the leg of a table before Kelly’s, throwing her completely off balance. Instantly, she reached for the empty chair at the end of the table, but she missed. The coffee flew out of her hand as well as the marble cake and blueberry muffin. The two pastries landed on the floor right before Julia fell over like a tree. Her face went into the marble cake slice while the cup of coffee cartwheeled twice causing the lid to come off and the hot liquid to spill out. It all landed on Julia as she slid across the floor and crashed into the leg of the table where Nicholas and Kelly sat.
“Oh aw,” she groaned in pain.
Immediately, Nicholas got out of his chair and helped Julia sit up. The coffee shop manager came running to her side.
“What happened, Julia?” the manager asked.
Kelly said, “She was bringing us our orders, but it seemed like she either slipped or tripped. I am surprised the coffee did not burn her, but oh, sweetie, there is a bruise on your arm and… oh my goodness! Your lip is swollen and bleeding!”
Not only that, Julia’s entire body ached. Although the coffee did not burn her skin, she felt as through her had been stung by needles. Her head hurt more than anything else.
The manager said, “You don’t look like you’re in shape to work any further. Your shift is almost over anyway. Go ahead and clock out early. Besides, your hair and face are a sticky mess now.”
Both the manager and Nicholas helped Julia to her feet.
“Go put some ice on that lip, hun,” said Nicholas. “Drive home safely. I hope you feel better.”
“I’ll come over to check on you,” Kelly said.
After wiping the marble cake from her face, Julia got in her car and drove away. On her way home, her emotions went haywire. First came embarrassment from her slip and fall at work, her swollen lip, coffee-stained work uniform, face covered in marble cake, and now, sticky, hazelnut smelling hair. Then came anger. How on earth did she let yesterday’s events get to her like that? It was dumb to even think that Kelly would ever have any kind of feeling toward her, especially due to the age gap and the fact that she had a rich husband! Julia’s feelings were so intense she did not notice the speedometer had gone up to seventy and she was in a 45-mile zone. Snapping out of her trance, she slammed the brakes causing the tires to squeal.
“Oh fuck!” she yelled. “Dammit, Julia! Get it together! Get over that woman already!”
After regaining some form of composure, she drove the rest of the way home, this time, staying within the speed limit.
As soon as she arrived home, she dropped her purse and shoes by the door, stripped off her work uniform, left it in the living room, and jumped into the shower. Each drop of the steaming hot water stung her body, melting her aches and pains away. She washed her hair and body with extra soap to get rid of the embedded smell of hazelnut coffee. When she made sure she was thoroughly clean, she turned off the water and flew open the curtain.
“Dammit,” she thought out loud. “I forgot my towel.”
Dripping wet and naked, Julia opened the bathroom door and started to make her way to the bedroom, but she nearly screamed seeing a figure sitting in the living room.
It took her a second to realize it was Kelly.
“Take it easy!” Kelly shouted, trying to calm Julia down. “It’s me!”
Julia shook her head in bewilderment. “Damn, Kelly! You could not knock or call? Are you trying to have me go through another slip and fall?”
“The door was unlocked,” said Kelly. “I knocked several times, and you didn’t answer. Then I turned the knob and the door opened. That is when I heard water running, so I knew you were in the shower. I did not want to scare you by walking in there, so I waited for you out here.
Besides, I said I was going to come over to check on you.”
Julia’s mind was in such a twist she nearly forgot she was naked. “Oh great! I cannot get any privacy either?”
Kelly just laughed. “It’s nothing I haven’t seen before. Don’t forget I bathed you and changed your little Pull-ups when you were younger.”
“Um…yeah but these aren’t baby parts anymore. And I am dripping water all over the carpet! Ugh!” Julia went to her room to get a towel and dry it off.
“Remember to lock the door next time,” she said to herself.
There was a knock on the bedroom door. Then it opened.
“I’m not dressed, Kelly,” Julia called out. She only wore her pink bra and lace thong set, but Kelly came in anyway.
“Just wondered if you were ok, sweetie. How is that arm?”
“Please don’t touch it.” Julia backed away from Kelly and sat on the bed. “My entire body still hurts a little, but I think the shower helped. Now all I need to do is lotion up and I think I’ll take a nap afterward.” She grabbed a bottle of lotion from the floor, but gently, Kelly took it from her.
“Let me take care of that,” she said. “You’re hurting. You should relax.”
Julia retracted. “It’s ok, Kelly. I will be fine. Thank you for coming by though.”
But Kelly took her by the shoulder, turned her around, and pushed against her. “I insist. Just lie on your stomach and unwind.”
Julia did what Kelly said, but she still protested, “Kelly, don’t worry. I said I”
The second Kelly’s hands began massaging the lotion into her honey brown legs, Julia fell silent. As Kelly’s hands slid up the young woman’s thighs, she bit her lip and bit the pillow fighting to relieve the throbbing in her clit. Then she buried her face in the pillow, not believing what was happening.
“Are you ok?” Kelly asked.
Instantly, Julia jerked her head up. “Huh?”
“You made a noise there. Am I hurting you?”
“No, you’re fine.”
Oh no, not my butt, Julia thought as Kelly’s hands glided along her bare bottom. She really wanted to moan out loud then. Kelly’s touch was relaxing yet very arousing. Was awakening her libido really Kelly’s intention? She did not know, nor did she care at this point. The moment became more intense when Kelly had her flip over and went from her feet to her flat torso. Julia’s body shifted and slightly shuddered beneath Kelly’s delicate touch. She took in very little air as she did not want to show Kelly any signs of her arousal, but she knew her racing heart would give her away. Good thing her bra had some padding to it, or else Kelly would have definitely noticed her hard nipples. Julia flinched when Kelly rubbed lotion on her sore, bruised arm.
But even with the pain, the young woman’s arousal did not leave. Before she had the chance to moan out loud, Kelly stopped.
“Ok. All done, sugar.”
“Thank you.” Julia’s voice slightly trembled. “I think I should put on some more clothes.” She only threw a big t-shirt over her underwear.”
“Feeling any better?” Kelly asked.
“Yeah, that relieved some of the soreness. Thank you. I guess I needed that.”
“I’m glad you’re ok. That was some fall! It looked like something out of a cartoon. Hey, I see the swelling on your lip came down. That’s good.”
“I’m surprised it came down so quickly.”
The sound of Kelly’s cell phone interrupted the moment. She dug it out from her purse.
“Oh gee. It is Nicholas. We are supposed to be doing an at-home dinner tonight. Looks like I need to get going. I will call you soon, ok? Take care of that arm for me.”
“Oh, I don’t want to keep you from Nicholas,” said Julia. “Go on ahead. Thank you again.” She led Kelly to the door.
After Kelly left, Julia was still aroused. Her clit still tingled. Her thighs felt like Jello and her nipples were still erect. She took off her t-shirt and bra, laid back on the bed, and let her body sink into the mattress. As the warmth of her body heat reflecting from her bed cocooned her, Julia closed her eyes and let her libido be her guide. Her hands explored her smooth thighs, soft belly, and delicate breasts. She squeezed them while giving her nipples a light pinch. Shuddering from the sensation, she guided her left hand down between her thighs. While running her right hand across her breasts, her left hand pressed against the fabric of her pink thong and rubbed gently. Then she pushed her thong aside and fumbled for her clit while playing with her nipples. She slid her hand down further and felt her damp, moist folds. As soon as she found her swollen, sensitive button, she pressed harder and lightly quickened her strokes. Minutes later, her vaginal walls contracted as she bit her lip and moaned loudly, feeling the orgasm jolt through her body. She took a minute to let it subside and catch her breath. All the while she thought, Oh my goodness! What did Kelly do to me? How did she do it? This is crazy. I cannot think about this! She is married!
“Oh, this is dumb!” Julia snapped out loud, rolling her eyes. Rapidly, she rolled out of bed and changed into her underwear. Then she dug out her pastel drawing of Kelly from under the bed. Taking a lighter from her desk that she used for candles, she held it under the drawing and laid her thumb against the igniter ready to press it, but she could not do it. The drawing was very beautiful, and Kelly meant so much to her. She dropped the lighter, slid the drawing in its plastic cover, and put it back under the bed in her portfolio. Then she bit her lip in frustration, fighting to rationalize and suppress her feelings.
I must be crazy, she thought. Is this a crush or an obsession? I live only fourteen miles from her. I work at the coffee shop she has been going to for years before I even got hired there. I have been drawing pictures of her for who knows how long. You are crazy, Julia. She is married.
She is married.
That is what Julia kept telling herself, but her emotions did not seem to care.
As night settled in, Julia was just putting the finishing touches on a sketch of a cardinal sitting in a tree behind her apartment. She laid in her hammock on the deck watching the bird chirp while looking off in the distance. Afterward, she closed her sketch book, covered herself with a blanket, closed her eyes, and let the steady summer breeze rock her to sleep.
A warm, tender hand slid up Julia’s thigh beneath the blanket. Not long after, a pair of lips explored her belly up to between her breasts. Julia’s hands felt for the stranger and came upon silky, curly blonde hair. She pushed her hands against the back of the stranger’s neck wanting to look into the mystery lover’s face. She found herself looking into blue eyes. As she smiled, at the angelic face looking upon hers, she lifted her head to kiss the soft lips begging to be devoured….
Her cell phone rang.
Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Julia looked into the distance.
Sunrise. It had to be 7:00am.
Damn, she thought. I slept out here all night.
The cell phone rang again.
“Who the hell is calling me at this hour?” she groaned. She reached for her phone at the foot of the hammock and answered. It was Kelly.
I dream about this woman, and she calls me. Please tell me I am still asleep.
“Good morning, sleepyhead,” Kelly greeted her cheerfully. “Did I wake you?”
“Kelly, you know I’m not a morning person.”
“Well, rise and shine, girl. I thought we would have an early breakfast at 8:30, gardening at 10:00, then a nice outing at the park by 2:00. What do you say?”
“Where’s Nicholas? Is he coming?”
“Nicholas left early this morning at about 5:45. His flight left a good fifteen minutes ago, I believe. I would like some company if you’re not too busy.”
Julia wanted to reject the offer, but it would not have made sense to do so. Besides, what excuse did she have? She could not make up one as it was early in the morning and her mind was not clear just yet.
“It’s no bother. I just need to shower and get dressed, ok?”
When she arrived at Kelly’s house, Julia already smelled breakfast cooking. Her stomach gurgled when she went into the kitchen and saw Kelly putting the finishing touches on the food. When she was sitting herself, Kelly turned around and walked toward her. Jokingly, she said, “Now you don’t sit down without giving me a hug.”
Julia stood up and hugged her.
“I made home fries, eggs, and biscuits with gravy,” said Kelly. “I also cooked some sausage. I remember you loved my biscuits and gravy when you were little. You always asked for more, then made the cutest sad face when I said you had to save some for the other kids.”
Julia giggled. “Yeah, your biscuits and gravy were my favorite food. You have always made such a slamming breakfast! I’d take your home cooking any day over McDonald’s or Burger King.”
After the two ate, they went outside to the garden. The 10:00am sun caused beads of sweat to pour down Julia’s chest between her breasts. Luckily, she wore a sports bra and shorts, but that did not stop her abdomen from sweating too. Thoughts raced through her mind as she pulled weeds with a hoe.
I wonder why Kelly asked me to come over. Was she lonely? Why am I so attracted to her? Nicholas is one blessed man. I guess some fantasies will have to remain.
For a minute or two, she stood and watched Kelly use her mini shovel to dig small holes to plant her cucumber seeds. The mere presence of her made Julia feel happy inside.
Well, if we just remain good friends, I guess that is good enough. As long as I get to be around her, that is all I need.
“Are you ok, Julia?” Kelly asked, looking up at her.
“Oh yeah,” the young woman answered. “It just seems to get hotter by the minute.”
“Well, we are just about done now. I just must plant this last seed. Then we’ll head back inside and clean up for our outing at the park.”
As soon as they were finished, Julia hurried back inside the house to shower. She made the water lukewarm due to the summer heat radiating from her skin. She washed away the dirt and sweat on her body. Suddenly, she realized she had left her salt scrub and lotion in her car.
She called out, “Kelly! Will you get my salt scrub and lotion out of my car please? The keys are in the kitchen on the table!”
“Will do, sweetie!” Kelly called back.
After Julia scrubbed down, she stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her wet body. She made her way to Kelly’s bedroom to dry off and relax, but Kelly was already sitting on the bed looking through Julia’s portfolio. Julia froze in horror when Kelly pulled out the portrait, she had drawn…the angelic portrait she had kept hidden from Kelly for a good number of years.
“When did you draw this, Julia?” Kelly asked.
“When I was sixteen,” Julia replied, her voice trembling.
“This is the most beautiful drawing I have ever seen! I took your portfolio out of the car so your pastels would not get ruined by the heat. Wow! This picture is so amazing! You have every single detail of my facial features here! Eyes, hair, lips, everything! It is almost like I am looking into a mirror. Five years and you never told me or showed me? Why not? Why did you keep this picture such a secret? I would have loved to have this.”
Julia still stood frozen. That drawing was a special, yet hidden part of her…the love and appreciation she had for Kelly. The crush that never went away. Now it was revealed plain as day. Julia had no idea whether to be scared or upset. Finally, she said, “You’re special to me, Kelly. I have always loved your aura and you are such a positive person. You have a good heart. I wish there were more people like you in the world.”
Kelly took Julia by the hand and sat her down next to her on the bed. “I can see it in your drawing. You mean a lot to me, too. From the very first day I saw you, I had to take you under my wing. You went from a sweet, little girl to a beautiful, wise young woman. I truly believe more people like you need to be in the world. You have the whole package looks, brains, and personality. I cannot imagine why no man has whisked you away. You deserve a good man in your life.”
Kelly then planted several small kisses upon Julia’s cheek. She paused for a moment, then kissed Julia’s other cheek several times again, but a lot slower this time.
Julia jittered even more. So much so, her hands were visibly shaking. She was frozen stiff.
“Oh, honey, you’re shaking,” Kelly pointed out. “What’s wrong? Are you ok?”
“Oh, Kelly, I’ve been attracted to you for so long, ever since I was a teenager. I kept that from you all these years because I did not think you would be interested. Plus, you are married to a rich man. What would you want with a working-class girl like me?”
“Julia, Nicholas knows that I like women too and he is ok with it. I have not been with a woman for a while now. I had this friend with benefits when you were younger, but she moved. Nicholas is gone for quite a few months out of the year. Sometimes, dildos and masturbating to porn does not help. Now I will never have sex with another man ever. Nicholas is my one and only. I would like to have a lady friend too. You seem like the perfect fit. We have known each other forever. I trust you and I hope that you trust me. We are adults now, so let us take this friendship to the next level. Are you comfortable with that? I do not want you just for sex whenever I get horny. I want you around for company. I want us to continue all the things we always do together. Nicholas already knows how I feel about you.”
Julia was very surprised. “You told him?”
Yes, and Nicholas said it was a wonderful thing since we have known each other for so long. Ever since you turned eighteen, I could not get over your stunning beauty inside and out.
Julia was floored. “I was so afraid you wouldn’t feel the same way.”
Kelly kissed her on the cheek again. “Hmmm…why don’t you lay back and take that towel off? I’ll lotion you up.”
Still nervous, Julia laid back, but she did not take the towel off. Kelly opened it, exposing the young woman’s honey brown body.
“Well, your body definitely doesn’t look the way it was when you were two,” Kelly joked. “Your body looks delicious now. Tell me something, honey. Has someone ever touched and caressed your body to the point of orgasms?”
“Um…no,” Julia gulped.
“Well, I am glad to be your first. You do not have to do anything. You will love the way I touch you. I promise.”
Kelly squeezed a little bit of lotion into the palm of her hand. Instantly, Julia melted the second the older woman’s hands were placed on her body. Kelly began at her feet and worked up to her neck. She also ran her hands through Julia’s long silky hair. Kelly knew Julia was getting wet by her heavy pants and shivering, but never did she touch between her legs, nor did she touch the woman’s rock-hard nipples. She continued rubbing her legs, thighs, torso, chest, and next. Meanwhile, she seduced Julia with her voice.
“You are aroused by my touch. I can see your body quaking. Do not be afraid to let yourself go, sweetie. Mmmm….your skin is so soft. I can’t stop touching it.”
Julia became wetter by the minute while Kelly’s creamy white hands slid all over her honey brown skin. The sound of Kelly’s voice and her touch had Julia shaking so hard. Soon, all she could let out were moans and sighs.
“Mmmmm….oh my God, Kelly, yes!”
No matter how much she fought, Julia’s body was under a deep spell. She had no other choice but to give herself totally to Kelly. At that very moment, one of the most powerful orgasms came through her like a strong storm. She screamed loudly, her body stiffening from such unique pleasure.
“Mmmm…turnover, honey,” Kelly whispered softly.
Julia grabbed the pillow and bit into it as Kelly’s sweet caress went from the back of her legs to her shoulders. Her pussy began dripping when Kelly deeply massaged her round bottom. Just the feel of her loosening muscles made Julia have yet another roaring orgasm. But Kelly did not stop there. She kissed the back of Julia’s neck, down her spine to her luscious ass. She focused there for a moment, then kissed down to Julia’s calves. Kelly kissed more deeply, going back up to the woman’s bottom. She bit each of her butt cheeks then spread her thighs to see her glistening pussy soaked in juices. As Kelly’s hand crept to her drenched area, Julia’s entire body convulsed.
“Oh, sweetie, you’re so wet,” whispered Kelly. “It is so slippery down there. Baby, your clit is so swollen. I feel it poking out of its little hood.”
As her sensitive button received small amounts of stimulation, Julia moaned and clenched the sheets tightly. She had never experienced this type of pleasure before. Every touch upon her clit made her toes curl and caused her teeth to clench harder. As she had another orgasm, she bit into the pillow and screamed into it. She then turned over to see Kelly’s angelic smile above her. Kelly stripped off her shirt and bra, lowered herself onto the young woman’s body, and slowly kissed her while holding her in a loving embrace.
Breaking the long kiss, Julia whispered, “Kelly, are you sure this is right? How do you know this will not ruin our friendship?”
“It’s so much more than a friendship, honey. I do not just like you. I love you and I know you love me too.”
As Kelly’s lips totally encased hers once again, Julia smiled inside. Here she was doing beyond what she dreamed of ever since she was a teen. The tiny hairs on her body stood on end from the feel of Kelly’s tongue slithering into her mouth. With her body almost hypersensitive, the second Kelly’s lips and tongue touched her neck, Julia moaned loudly, “Oh, God that feels so good!”
She had to take a deep breath when Kelly’s warm mouth wrapped around her sensitive, hard nipple. She murmured softly, reacting to Kelly’s slow and gentle sucking. With Kelly lovingly holding the young woman’s body in place, Julia quivered at the feel of her lips on her bare torso. Each deep kiss and wet lick made her surrender her body even more.
“I love the way you give yourself to me,” said Kelly. “I love how every inch of your body responds to my touches and kisses. I can tell you are ready for me to taste you.”
Kelly kissed and nibbled each of Julia’s inner thighs before breathing on her pussy which was still soaked. Her tongue slid up and down the young woman’s wet slit causing her to arch her back and bite her lower lip.
“You taste as good as I anticipated,” Kelly said. “I don’t see how anyone could have passed you up. Whoever your future husband is, he does not know what he is missing.”
Julia did not care. She focused on the moment at hand, which was Kelly’s lips and tongue between her thighs. With every lap on her clit, every thrust inside, every tickle of her outer lips, large amounts of tingling and warm sensations channeled through Julia’s body. She could barely watch Kelly as the sight of her led to a sensory overload, but it was beautiful. The sensations through her body became stronger. Minutes later Julia found herself screaming as she had an orgasm that caused her body to go into a brief shock. Everything in her body seemed to stop. Heart, lungs, brain, everything. Then Julia came back to life, sucking in huge amounts of air, trying to get her body back to a normal state.
“What was that?” she panted heavily. “Did I just die?”
Kelly came beside Julia and pecked her on the cheek. “For a second there, it seemed like you did. You just had an intense orgasm. You came so beautifully. I wanted to cum myself from watching you.”
Julia laid there recovering from her orgasm with Kelly planting kisses on her face and touching her. Soon, she became tired, but she did not want to sleep just yet. Without warning, she gently pulled Kelly’s face to hers and kissed her lips. She then rolled on top of Kelly and kissed her way to the older woman’s soft neck. Rapidly, she made her way to Kelly’s breasts. Her nipples were already erect, waiting for a mouth to embrace them. Gladly, Julia obliged and slowly savored each one. Meanwhile, Kelly ran her fingers through the young woman’s hair and tenderly murmured, “Your mouth feels so good on my nipples, baby. You can suck a little harder.”
Julia wasted no time guiding her head to between Kelly’s thighs. She could see her pussy shimmering, begging to be tasted. Her lips and tongue circled her labia, causing Kelly to moan in response. The circling became smaller and faster when Julia found Kelly’s sensitive pearl which had already poked out of the hood. The second Kelly felt her little mouth closing in on her clit, she shouted, “Oh yes, honey! Right there!”
It was not long before Julia felt Kelly coming close to a climax. Just when Kelly’s orgasm kicked in, Julia slid a finger inside, making her cum harder.
“Oh my God, you’re good!” Kelly said through heavy breathing. “Come here, sweetie.”
She pulled Julia up from between her legs and gave her another passionate kiss. They cuddled together for a moment. Then Julia asked, “So now what?”
Kelly just laughed. “Nothing yet. Let us just hold each other for now. I hope the future holds many good times like this for us.”
With that, Julia rested her head on Kelly’s bare chest, the older woman’s heartbeat comforting her.
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Erotic tales narrated by Vicky, lesbian threesome stories, erotic sensual arousing literature, sexy naughty talks chronicles, erotic fiction,

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